As we leave last year to START RENEWED, chaos from the old year is meshed into our minds. BUT GOD, who works all trials for our GOOD. His LOVE downloads A NEW DAY Showering us with BLESSINGS from yesterday’s tears. We are ready 5,4,3,2-A Creative NEW Start,5783!

You are not alone. If you need to talk to someone, take a step of courage, you are capable, you CAN DO IT (PUT A HEART HERE) Call 24/7 to speak confidentially with someone who cares:

National Domestic Violence Hotline
Call 1-800-799-7233,

National Suicide Prevention & Crisis Text Line 988

 By calling or texting 988, you’ll connect with mental health professionals with the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, formerly known as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Veterans can press “1” after dialing 988 to connect directly to the Veterans Crisis Lifeline which serves our nation’s Veterans, service members, National Guard and Reserve members, and those who support them. For texts, Veterans should continue to text the Veterans Crisis Lifeline short code: 838255. In 2020 alone, the U.S. had one death by suicide about every 11 minutes—and for people aged 10-34 years, suicide is a leading cause of death.

There is hope. The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is a national network of more than 200 crisis centers that helps thousands of people overcome crisis situations every day. These centers are supported by local and state sources as well as the Department of Health and Human Services’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, confidential support to people in suicidal crisis or mental health-related distress. By calling or texting 988, you’ll connect to mental health professionals with the Lifeline network.